5 tools and technologies to reinvent your résumé
How you present yourself in CV format is more important than ever. Here are some tools to help you get a head start.
Job Seeker
Professional authenticity: Can you be too authentic online
Authenticity is key but how exactly do you develop an authentic voice & ensure your social media voice remains authentic & true to your core purpose.
Personal Branding: 10 words you should NEVER use to describe yourself
Recruiters, hiring managers, potential clients, and those in your social community will scorn you based on the emotion these 10 words evoke.
What it takes to be a thought leader today
Embarking on a strategic thought leadership marketing program for your professional brand can be a great move career-wise. Here's how to do it
Why employees are the key to your digital transformation
How can companies adopt Digital Age working practices and maintain a path to ‘Digirati’?
8 lessons to learn from the mistakes of other job hunters
From the perspective of an actual potential employer with a real role to fill, here ar some lessons to learn from the mistakes of other job hunters
Job Seeker
Do YOU pack an online punch? How to measure your influence online
Do you know if you pack an online punch? You should. Because it’s likely that plenty of other people know exactly where you stand.
How to create a powerful creative portfolio
Here are some key tips on how I feel you can master your portfolio presentation.
How to land that dream UX role
How to get in front of that UX Manager to demonstrate your UX knowledge, and how to make the right impression when you finally meet
5 ways to use social media to boost your employer brand
Social media is often seen as just a channel for organisations to build their corporate brand with the ultimate goal being to generate more leads and in turn more sales. But social media can also play an essential role in many other facets of the business, including building your company’s employer brand, and in essence making you a hot ticket when it comes to attracting talent. There are a number of ways in which an organisation can lift their employer brand in order to get more candidates knocking at their door. Here are my top 5 suggestions of where social media can drive results.