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Why a body of work builds trust in your personal brand

There will come a time I'm sure that if you can't be found online, you won't 'exist' in a professional sense. We're not at that point yet but it's certainly a path we're heading down.


6 questions to ensure you get a “yes” at your next interview

I want tell you the most powerful job hunting secret you’ll ever hear. OK, big call, I know, but time after time, when I speak with job hunters, this is one of the most radically under-used strategies I see. Or rather, don't see.

Job Seeker

Marketing is about to invent a new kind of expert: the Data Storyteller

These are confusing times for brands, and the people charged with growing them. On the one hand, we need to ensure the ROI of everything, while on the other we must pursue constant innovation. We need to be open to new technologies, platforms, and networks, but we can’t spread our investments too thinly. We’ve got to stay on brand and on message, but we also need to go viral. These competing ambitions make it very difficult for marketers and agencies to make intelligent choices for their brands - but it is largely our own fault. As an industry, marketing is particularly susceptible to ‘the shiny new object’ syndrome and, after attending SXSW interactive in Austin, Texas, I’m predicting that we’re about to start chasing after two diametrically-opposed aims yet again.
