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How to create a powerful creative portfolio

Here are some key tips on how I feel you can master your portfolio presentation.


How to land that dream UX role

How to get in front of that UX Manager to demonstrate your UX knowledge, and how to make the right impression when you finally meet


5 ways to use social media to boost your employer brand

Social media is often seen as just a channel for organisations to build their corporate brand with the ultimate goal being to generate more leads and in turn more sales. But social media can also play an essential role in many other facets of the business, including building your company’s employer brand, and in essence making you a hot ticket when it comes to attracting talent. There are a number of ways in which an organisation can lift their employer brand in order to get more candidates knocking at their door. Here are my top 5 suggestions of where social media can drive results.


Social media clean-up for job seekers

Recruiters and prospective employers are increasingly using social media in their processes. Maybe you don’t take social media too seriously, but how you approach it is somewhat irrelevant - if people are considering investing in you, there’s a good chance they’re going to type your name into Google. And as with the victims of this prank, there may be info there that you really don’t want to be sharing with the public. Here are some tips to help you sharpen up your online presence.


Why trust is the new bottom line & how social media drives it

The number of people online has doubled since 2007. There are 2.55 billion people online and 91% of those use social or mobile networks. That’s an awe-inspiring number, but it’s just the start of a steep trajectory. Just as you’ve never lived in a world without cars and think of the horse-and-cart as quaint, so billions have never lived without hyper-connection. Would you tether a horse to a cart? Take it to a meeting across town? Could you even do so if you wanted to? No I imagine. So why do we expect others will want to connect with us on antiquated systems?


The 1 mile rule: What NOT to do after your interview

I’ve spent hours every day of my 10 year recruitment career interviewing people. Sometimes I am interviewing for my clients and sometimes I am interviewing for me and my own team. I take a huge amount of pride in providing the best possible environment for someone to shine and really show me what they are made of. I feel a huge responsibility to make sure I ‘bring it’ to the interview and by ‘it’ I mean the very best version of myself.

Job Seeker

How to make sure your career goes from strength to strength

Consistently throughout my career I have been told of the areas I need to work on - my weaknesses. I have tried. Promise. Really, I have. Worked hard at them - at addressing these ‘weaknesses’. Made progress. One inch at a time. I still get the same feedback on the ‘development areas’, but not as robustly as before. Here’s my point. And a suggestion for you.

Job Seeker

How being a ‘lab rat’ can fast-track your career

A young graduate recently joined our firm. I was scheduled to catch up with her but before I did I mulled over what I could share based on my 26 years in the PR industry that would add value to her new role and her career longer term. I boiled it down to six key points which I’ve called LAB RAT – I know, the acronym doesn’t exactly conjure up the best connotations for someone starting a new job, and in fact in some industries it’s a bit close to the truth, but at the very least it’s memorable and they apply to anyone starting out their career.

Job Seeker

How to Get a Job Using Social Media

What can you do to make sure your Social Self is helping you get a job and not scaring off prospective employers? Check out our 6 Social Media Job Hunting Tips to make sure that you’re getting a competitive advantage using social media.


10 things you can do to improve your personal brand online

10 easy things you can do to improve your personal brand online
