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Job Search Tips For Marketers Looking To Switch Industries

Are you looking to switch industries or pivot your career but getting nowhere? Marketing and Analytics Talent Agent, Jimmy Sutton, shares some tips.

Job Seeker, Marketing, Ask Aquent

Is Your Skill Set Competitive? Try This ‘Skills Gap Analysis’

Career shifts happen—a Skills Gap Analysis can help you identify what your options are for your next career move.

Job Seeker

5 Simple Steps To Be Job-Ready In The New Year

The end of year can be the perfect opportunity to get job-ready for the new year. We break down how to get job-search ready and set yourself up for success in 5 steps.

Job Seeker

Interview Tip: What Are Your Salary Expectations?

The majority of job seekers don’t like to discuss money in their interviews, but if you are asked what your salary expectations are, here's some advice.

Job Seeker

Graphic Designers: Stay Relevant By Learning These Two Digital Skills

In today’s design world staying stagnant is a recipe for irrelevance. Here are two must-have tools for graphic designers looking to stay competitive.

Job Seeker, Design

How To Win At Self Promotion. Yes, It’s That Simple.

Self promotion is all about promoting how you’re different to others, not better than!

Job Seeker, Ask Aquent

Navigating The Path To A Senior Role In Your Digital Career

Ready to move up in your digital career? What are our options for a Senior role in digital careers and what do we look for in our next job?

Job Seeker, Design

How To Stand Out In A Crowded Job Market

As we navigate an economy impacted by company and corporate restructures and redundancies, it has translated to more applications per role and more competition, so getting “cut through” in this job market is very important.

Job Seeker

Contracting and Freelancing 101: Pros, Cons And How To Get Started

Contracting and freelancing are a great way to work, but it comes with its own set of pros and cons you need to consider to determine if it’s right for you.

Job Seeker, Ask Aquent

Juniors & Leaders: How To Fail In The Workplace The Right Way

Advice for juniors on how to ensure a slip-up doesn’t become a f*%# up—and how leaders can ‘fail-proof’ their workplace.

Job Seeker, Thought Leadership, Leadership