Although getting an invitation to interview for your dream job is exciting, the majority of people find the process intimidating. It’s normal to feel nervous before your interview, but it’s important not to let your anxiety get the better of you.
Here are a few things you can do to calm your pre interview jitters.
Research and practice
Don’t just research the company, make a list of questions to ask your interviewer and be ready to respond to all the standard interview questions such as your top strengths/weaknesses and where you see yourself in 5 years’ time. Make sure you’re as prepared as possible to answer common, and even unusual, interview questions.
Plan your outfit
You want to look as professional as possible, but take a moment to consider the company’s culture before you decide. The type of company and industry will influence what you’ll choose to wear for your interview and you can adjust dressing up or down depending on the nature of the company.
Get plenty of sleep
Make sure you get your full 8 hours of sleep before your interview, the last thing you want is to be tired the morning of your big day. Start your interview prep at least a couple of days before your interview. If you pack all your prep in the night before, and stay up until midnight doing so, you’re more likely to feel nervous and unprepared.
Do some exercise
Whether it’s the night before or the morning of, find some time to squeeze in at least 15 minutes of solid exercise before your interview. The release of endorphins will help calm your nerves and make you feel more clear headed and sharp.
Plan your journey
Make sure you know exactly where your interview location is way before you leave. Whether you’re driving, using public transport or walking, plan your route and allow yourself plenty of time to get there. The last thing you want to do is get lost or delayed and end up running late.
Believe in yourself
Confidence is key! It’s easy to let your pre interview nerves cause you to doubt yourself, but remember that you got the interview because you have the skills and experience needed to do the job. Try to think of your interview as an exciting opportunity, rather than a test.
This post was originally published on our UK blog.
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