Ready for your close up?
While we wait (and hope) for B2B communications to get back to F2F, the consensus is that virtual and video communications are here to stay in a big way. Which means it’s time to put some effort into your onscreen game when you present.
The idea of ‘performing’ onscreen can be unsettling for a lot of people – even for confident speakers, a camera can be kryptonite.
Whether you’re Zooming in for the weekly WIP, taking part in a live panel or producing a pre-recorded keynote, here are 5 hot tips to reduce your stress and improve your performance next time you’re presenting in front of a camera.
5 Simple Steps To Be Job-Ready In The New Year
The end of year can be the perfect opportunity to get job-ready for the new year. We break down how to get job-search ready and set yourself up for success in 5 steps.
Job Seeker
A Sustainable Future Starts Here: Your Guide To Materiality Assessments
Learn best practices for conducting successful materiality assessments, aligning with stakeholder expectations, and meeting regulatory requirements.
7 Important Soft Skills Your Team Need To Have
Looking for top creative talent? Don't just focus on technical skills. Learn about the 7 essential soft skills that make a truly exceptional creative.
Hiring Insights