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Where to focus your digital marketing efforts

Digital marketing sometimes seems like a bottomless pit — you blink and there’s something new you need to do (or learn).

Job Seeker

How to make your content stand out from the crowd

You have to do everything in your power to interrupt people and get their attention long enough to stop, take notice and engage with you.


Is it time to update your job application packaging?

As a job hunter, feel free to have different varieties of yourself to make it easier for potential employers to feel the same way.

Job Seeker

Forget technology — the future of marketing is all about people

In marketing we are constantly seeking our unique value proposition. We are constantly striving to deeply and emotionally engage with our customers.

Job Seeker

Why inspirational quotes are ruining your career

Those cute inspirational quotes are ruining your career. Your business. And possibly your life.

Job Seeker

5 essential skills for your marketing team of the future

We need to look at the future of marketing, the challenges of skill gaps, technology encroachment, and a shifting customer expectation.


6 unorthodox steps to getting noticed by recruiters on social media

When it comes to using social media for job search, the biggest mistake people make has nothing to do with social media itself.

Job Seeker

3 reasons why having a ‘sidebar’ project is good for your personal brand

Why don’t more business professionals commit publicly to an online publishing project on the side? I’m talking about a ‘branded’ web passion project.

Job Seeker

Are you fit enough for your career marathon?

Think of your career as a marathons. Regularly check in on how you’re going in keeping ‘career fit’ for that marathon.

Job Seeker

How to win the content marketing game

Content disappears down the content marketing black hole never to be seen again. This is why there is increasing disillusionment with the content game
