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Why lazy job applications get ignored

Internationally awarded creative & brand consultant Sputnik reveals the job applications that drive him crazy!

Job Seeker

9 things that job hunting and dating have in common

There are some uncanny similarities between job hunting and dating. Barrie Seppings reveals some humorous but helpful tips.

Job Seeker

How to turn your UX career from good to great.

Jared Fossey gives some amazing insights into preparing for an interview and how UXers can turn their careers from good to great.

Job Seeker

What businesses can do to close the digital skills gap

3 simple steps any business can do to close the digital skills gap & ensure talent are future ready.

Job Seeker

How to future-proof your career

Here are some tangible tips to future-proof your career, and ensure its survival.

Job Seeker

The best career advice & what it could do for you

Do you stand out in your job or are you that ‘beige’ person in the background just getting along?

Job Seeker

5 tools and technologies to reinvent your résumé

How you present yourself in CV format is more important than ever. Here are some tools to help you get a head start.

Job Seeker

8 lessons to learn from the mistakes of other job hunters

From the perspective of an actual potential employer with a real role to fill, here ar some lessons to learn from the mistakes of other job hunters

Job Seeker

The 1 mile rule: What NOT to do after your interview

I’ve spent hours every day of my 10 year recruitment career interviewing people. Sometimes I am interviewing for my clients and sometimes I am interviewing for me and my own team. I take a huge amount of pride in providing the best possible environment for someone to shine and really show me what they are made of. I feel a huge responsibility to make sure I ‘bring it’ to the interview and by ‘it’ I mean the very best version of myself.

Job Seeker

How to make sure your career goes from strength to strength

Consistently throughout my career I have been told of the areas I need to work on - my weaknesses. I have tried. Promise. Really, I have. Worked hard at them - at addressing these ‘weaknesses’. Made progress. One inch at a time. I still get the same feedback on the ‘development areas’, but not as robustly as before. Here’s my point. And a suggestion for you.

Job Seeker