The key to marketing yourself
Use marketing principles to create your personal brand.
Differentiation is the magic sauce of modern business & career success
I want to share a piece of career advice that will seem outrageous. Lunacy! Stay calm when you read it. Ready?
Job Seeker
Networking: How to do it properly
Before you read on, you should know this is not your average networking post. I want to talk about networks that foster relationships.
Job Seeker
Don’t neglect your most valuable asset to power your career
Are you neglecting the most valuable asset you have to power your career during turbulent times?
Job Seeker
Are silos destroying your customer experience?
How silos are preventing a seamless customer experience
News Events
The secrets of job hunting on social media
Advice on how to use social media to your advantage when job hunting.
This is the real truth about work and your career
You manage your day, time, work, and your career. The only person who’s seen every performance you’ve ever done is you. The real boss of you is you.
Job Seeker
Five things content marketers need to get their head around
If you work in the digital space, you’ll know that it’s an ever-evolving, fast-paced world that if you don’t keep up then you'll fall very far behind.
The four barriers of modern marketing led innovation
For many marketers, the 4 Ps are often a distant memory. We may have studied them at university but few of us get to see how they play out in reality
How to use popular news items to inspire creative content ideas
Are you a news junkie? Do you love current affairs? Or, is your favourite guilty pleasure indulging in the gossip section of a glossy magazine?